香烤苹果洋葱三文鱼 Grilled Salmon with Apple & Onion

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材料 :
调味料 :
制法 :
1. 三文鱼洗净、抹干水分后,下海盐和黑胡椒粉,均匀涂在鱼肉上,备用。(图1)
2. 将三文鱼和洋葱放入气炸锅,以230°C烤20分钟至两面金黄熟透。(图2)
3. 放入苹果片,淋上调味料,继续烤10分钟,即可享用,撒上适量香葱会更可口。(图3)

1 block salmon, ½ apple (slice thinly), ½ onion (slice thinly), ¼ tsp salt, ½ ts black pepper, ½ tbsp olive oil, some spring onion
1 tbsp mustard sauce, 1 tbsp apple cider
1. Clean salmon and pat dry; and then marinate with salt and black pepper.(pic 1)
2. Place salmon and onion in air fryer, fry at 230°C for 20 minutes until both side golden brown.(pic 2)
3. Add in apple slices and pour seasoning over, continue to fry for 10 minutes, done. Sprinkle fried onion on top to serve will taste even better. (pic 3)